Key Questions App Developers Should Ask About Bluetooth Integrations

For app developers, integrating Bluetooth isn’t just about using an API—it’s about understanding how that API fits into the broader app architecture

Here are some key questions mobile app developers should ask when working on Bluetooth-enabled products:

  • How do the Android/iOS Bluetooth APIs fit within our app?

    • How do we align them with existing architecture patterns?
    • How will they interact with other parts of the app, like state management or background tasks?
  • What are some limitations of the Android/iOS Bluetooth stack?

    • Are there platform-specific differences to account for?
    • What parts of the Bluetooth standard are available (e.g. Data Length Extensions, Extended Advertising, Coded PHY, etc)?
  • What are the basics I need to understand about data parsing and byte manipulation?

    • How is data structured in GATT characteristics?
    • How do I extract the values from a byte stream?
    • Do we need to implement specific logic for multi-packet reads or writes?
  • How do I interpret a Bluetooth spec?

    • What are the required services and characteristics for this device?
    • How do I translate those into API calls for scanning, connecting, and data exchange?
  • How do I work with firmware teams to build a spec?

    • What is the device designed to do, and how does the firmware team expect the app to interact with it?
    • What does the firmware team need to about the app so to make the spec efficient?
    • What tools or simulators can help bridge development gaps?

Do any of these questions stand out? If so, let me know and I'll reply with some actionable tips.