Android & Gatt Status 133
What mobile platform is the 'best' for Bluetooth app development?
Android libraries for BLE apps
Bluetooth and the UX
iOS vs Android
Your Path to Seamless Bluetooth Device Integration
Exploring App Use Cases: Laying the Foundation for a Seamless Experience
What's the best way to design a GATT Profile?
Testing Your BLE Integration
Communication is Key
Design Patterns
Design Patterns for BLE Apps
Design Pattern: Proximity Aware
Design Pattern: Always Connected
Design Pattern: Constant Streaming
Design Pattern: Quick Check
Effective Bluetooth (Android)
Item#1: Discover services on the main thread
Introduction: Effective Bluetooth for Android
Item #2: Understand the Spec
Item #3: Maintain Awareness of Bluetooth State Changes
GATT Design
What mobile platform is the 'best' for Bluetooth app development?
Calibrating iBeacons
PacketLogger: Debug iOS BLE traffic
Bluetooth and the UX
iOS Libraries for Bluetooth apps